4 module (s) found

Sku Maker Name Plugin Plugin version Protocol Type Specification Link Date
LYWSD03MMCCustom devices (DiY)LYWSD03MMCJeeZigbee zigbeeTemperature Humidity Documentation
2024-12-02 01:51:44
LYWSD03MMC-zXiaomiLYWSD03MMC-zJeeZigbee zigbeeHumidity Documentation
2024-11-30 01:52:20
lywsd03XiaomiTempérature HumiditéBluetooth Advertisementstable BluetoothSensors 2020-11-22 02:00:38
lywsd02XiaomiTempérature HumiditéBluetooth Advertisementstable BluetoothSensors 2020-10-20 16:15:52
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